Saturday, April 20, 2019

NZ Shootings: Human races and how they were formed

With the message of peace this is Cemendtaur.

After the recent terrorist attack in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, the issue of race has again re-surfaced.  Was race a motivation behind the terrorist attack, it is being asked.

Let’s talk about human races.  Why do we have Black, White, Chinese, and other races in the world?

When human beings left Africa, everybody in that group looked pretty much the same.  So how come we look so different today?

The race is defined by the color of the skin, the stature, and the facial features of an individual.

The geography a group of people lives in and the food that people eat, make the race of that group.

The process takes many centuries.  Weather—hot or cold—along with the amount of sunlight determines the skin pigmentation.

Humidity in the air defines the shape and form of the nose.

What kind of food people eat defines their statures. When there is more milk and dairy products or other things having a large supply of calcium present in normal diet of a group of people, the larger bone sizes become evident and people are tall.

The hair is also shaped by the humidity and the amount of sunlight that is there at one place.

The process of artificial selection can steer a group of people in a specific direction.  For example, when through a random gene mutation a certain trait shows up in a group of human beings, that trait can become prevalent or obsolete based on the preferences of that group.  The color of the eyes and the hair of a group of people is determined by the process of artificial selection.

Living as hunter-gatherers, human beings moved often and did not let a particular geography work on them. Race is a phenomenon tied to the communities that settled down in one place and let the geography of the place act upon them, for many generations.

Race is not a fixed thing; it is a continuously evolving trait, though the changes taking place in defining the ‘race’ of a group of people are hard to notice in one lifetime.

This is it for today.  Hope to see you next time.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Beyond College bypassing College: How to give the best world-class education to your children, for free

Beyond College bypassing College

With the message of peace this is Cemendtaur

Higher education has been evolving ever since people settled in communities and interest was taken in understanding the physical world.  For a long time, education remained a luxury afforded by the very rich.  In the second phase, education remained under the influence of religion.  Scientific education, independent inquiry is a newcomer—but it quickly took over.

For the last several decades a four-year college degree provided a strong foundation for a lifetime of employment opportunities.  Colleges have done a good job in preparing students for a productive life.

A good college degree starts with general education in various fields and then ends up in specialized studies in the field of student’s choice.

But ideas, like people have expiration dates.  The time is up for colleges as we know them.

Here is how to proceed in these new times.  Use an online resource such as the Khan Academy for basic education in math, all the way to calculus and develop a broad understanding of social sciences. 

Then couple this knowledge with wisdom provided in TED talks.  Watch the 100 most popular TED talks: on life, on health, on fitness, on finances, on happiness, on psychology, on technology, on personal skills, on motivation, on leadership, etc.  That’s it! 

Enter the workforce wisely and keep learning through the Internet.

All this education is free and taking this route you will end up far ahead of anyone still thinking drowning oneself in loans to study at an expensive university is the best strategy to thrive in the modern world.

This is it for today.  Hope to see you next time.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

NZ Shootings: Multiculturalism does not work?

Multiculturalism: It is all about sex

With the message of peace, this is Cemendtaur

Multiculturalism is not working.  That’s what Brenton Tarrant wrote in his manifesto.  In support of his opposition for multiculturalism, Tarrant gives examples of sexual abuse cases in the West, those involving immigrants especially the Muslim immigrants.

Let's look at his argument more closely.

First, what is multiculturalism?  A society is multicultural when there are people of different cultures living together.  To understand what this means, let's first define ‘culture.’  In their primary needs of finding security, eating food, and producing children, human beings are not much different than the animals.  How a group of human beings does these things, broadly defines that group's culture.  How you build your houses, is your culture.  How you dress up, is your culture.  What and how you eat, is your culture.  And of course, how you indulge in the process of making babies is also your culture.

Most of the big cities of the western world are textbook examples of multiculturalism.  The majority of people living in such multicultural societies have no problem with this setup.  So, when Brenton Tarrant or other White Nationalists say that multiculturalism does not work, it means that it does not work for them, that they don’t like the idea.

But that argument aside, I am in favor of educating new immigrants to the west about the culture of their adopted country.

Immigrants and especially the Muslim immigrants often come from very conservative, sexually starved environments.  They need to be educated about the norms of the society they are becoming a part of.

They need to be told that when it is said that a woman is free, it really means that.  That a woman is free to dress as she pleases.  Unlike back home, a scantily dressed woman is not offering it to you. That anyone below 18 is considered a child—and other such lessons.

This is it for today.  Hope to see you next time.