With the message of peace this is Cemendtaur
You are responsible for your City's garbage problem
I have been fortunate to travel a lot more than an average person does. I have been to many poor, developing countries. But let me assure you I haven’t seen the kind of filth you see in the cities of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
In urban environments, garbage collection system has two parts: a) Garbage must be collected from homes and put at the right place for the city to pick it up, b) Trucks should come and haul away the garbage from the designated locations.
Like anywhere else in the world, people in developing countries keep their houses clean and take the garbage to the right place. But then, there are no trucks to collect the garbage from neighborhoods and take it to a landfill site outside the community. That is where the broken system hurts us.
Let me tell you what you as an individual can do to solve your city’s garbage problems. I compost my biodegradables and you should do it too.
Garbage can be composted many different ways, but the easiest way is to bury the biodegradables in a hole in the ground and put a layer of dirt on top. Keep doing it whenever you need to dispose of collected biodegradable and when the hole gets filled up, move on to the next hole. You can compost food and kitchen waste in empty flower pots and large planters too.
And you should not let any biodegradable waste leave your home knowing well that it is only the biodegradable part of trash that rots, that becomes fertile ground for bacteria and viruses, and ends up getting people sick.
Please don’t hurt your fellow citizens. Please compost the biodegradable part of your garbage.
This is it for today. Hope to see you next time.