Wednesday, March 20, 2019

NZ Shootings: The Predictable Muslim Response.

NZ Shootings: The Predictable Muslim Response.

With the message of peace, this is Cemendtaur

I am watching with disappointment, the predictable but pathetic response to the New Zealand killings from the Muslim communities.

It is once again the same mantras of self-pity.  "Islamophobia, Islamophobia, Islamophobia.  Muslims are innocent.  The fear of Muslims is growing.  They are harmless but they are still being killed."

Stop this nonsense!

Read what Brenton Tarrant wrote in his manifesto.  He has no issues with the Muslims
if they stay in their own countries.

And it is time for practicing Muslims living in the western countries to really think about this.  Why are they here?

Muslims are told that Islam is a beautiful religion; that Islam has all the answers; that
Islam is a complete way of life.  So why don’t Muslims use Islam to make
their own Muslim countries, beautiful?

Why do Muslims have to go to places of kafirs to find a good life?

Why can’t they make their own place a nice place to live?

I have an answer for a couple of Muslim majority countries where Muslims cannot do what they should be doing.  Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia.  Yes, these countries are being bombed by foreign powers and Muslims from there have to go somewhere to find refuge.  So why don’t Muslims go to Mecca and Medina?  Why do they go to the western countries to find shelter?

And what about the other Muslim-majority countries?  Why do people from those countries need to go to the West to find a good life?

I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Hope to see you next time.

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